This section of the TOP website explores the internal structures within the 6th Level of the Root Hierarchy: .
It was expected that a nested Root Typology would be found there, although there was no idea for many years what the Typology would contain. There was less certainty about whether there would be a Root Tertiary Hierarchy associated with the 6th Root Type and no idea what that would contain or whether it would be holistic and lead to a Structural Hierarchy. (See Hub for more technical details.)
The Typology Types are expected to be discrete, while the Root Tertiary Hierarchy could be either discrete or holistic.
Origin: Root Cell— : See Will Conjectures.
Emanate: Root Hierarchy (RH)—Levels of and Framework of : See Structures for Endeavour.
Nest: Root Typology (RH') within , incompatible systems called . These indicate an approach to the use of the in general. Being generally, and given , the are equivalent to .
Nest: Root Tertiary Hierarchy (RH") within —Requirements for obedience called . These correspond to essences from each of the
Combine:Root Tertiary Structural Hierarchy (RsH")—Framework for « ». (Suggested in the image by the blue arrow.)
Jump ahead to the various Review topics in the Table of Contents if you wish to see in advance what emerges.
Originally posted: 28-April-2012